Berth Stepping Data
The SMART database contains details of train describer berths and allows movements into berths to be translated into arrivals and departures from locations. The data feed contains a periodically-updated snapshot of the SMART database.
Please make certain you have read the Conditions of use before using this API.
TD describer areas
The rail network is split into multiple TD describer areas within which you then have the berth movements. To retrieve a list of the TD describer areas currently in the database simply issue an HTTP GET to and a JSON array of the areas are returned:
$ curl -s | jq '.' [ { "area": "A2", "comment": "Ashford IECC B", "enabled": true }, { "area": "A3", "comment": "Ashford Front-End TD", "enabled": true }, ... ]
- area
- The TD describer area id
- comment
- The Name (if known) of this area
- enabled
- Internal flag to indicate we have a signal map available
Berths within a signal area
This end point returns a JSON array of signal berths within a specified area which have a known movement. It's not an exhaustive list of possible berth's in that train describer, just those that have an entry in SMART
$ curl -s | jq '.' { "area": { "area": "A3", "comment": "Ashford Front-End TD", "enabled": true }, "berths": [ "COUT", "E870", "E873", ... "RY05", "RY25", "RY27" ] }
Here the area key is the same as above, however the berths key is a JSON array of berth names.
Movements for a berth
This endpoint returns all movements that are possible for a signal berth.
For example, looking up the COUT berth in signal area A3 we have the following result:
$ curl -s | jq '.' [ { "area": "A3", "fromberth": "RY25", "toberth": "COUT", "fromline": null, "toline": null, "berthoffset": -56, "platform": "", "event": "depart up", "route": "2", "stanox": 89439, "stanme": "RYE", "steptype": "B", "comment": "05/02/2013" }, { "area": "A3", "fromberth": "RY05", "toberth": "COUT", "fromline": null, "toline": null, "berthoffset": -22, "platform": "", "event": "depart down", "route": "1", "stanox": 89439, "stanme": "RYE", "steptype": "B", "comment": "05/02/2013" } ]
The objects returned have the following definition
- area
- Train describer area
- fromberth
- TD berth that movement is from
- toberth
- TD berth that movement is to
- fromline
- Line which the movement is from
- toline
- Line which the movement is to
- berthoffset
- Difference between the time the berth event occurs and the time to be recorded in TRUST, in seconds
- platform
- Platform
- event
- One of: 'arrive up', 'depart up', 'arrive down' or 'depart down'
- route
- stanox
- STANOX code for location
- stanme
- Abbreviated description of location
- steptype
- One of B, F, C, D, I, T, E
- comment
The steptype is one of
- B
- Between
- F
- From
- T
- To
- D
- Intermediate First
- C
- Clearout
- I
- Interpose
- E
- Intermediate
Movements between berths
You can refine the above query by specifying an additional term.
For example to query a movement between two beths then you would use and you would get the same results for any movements from RY35 to COUT.
Another query is to return all movements from a berth, so for movements from RY35 to any other berth then use:
Similarly to return all movements into a berthyou can use: